
Interested in volunteering at cedar Creek? Here is how to get invovled. 

Cedar Creek has three sessions per year: Spring, Summer and Fall. When you sign up to volunteer you are committing to 2 hours a week for the entire session. The spring and fall sessions are 8 weeks and the summer session is 6 weeks. All of the dates and sign up info is below! 

2025 SPRING volunteer sign up NOW OPEN!

1) First complete our volunteer form: Volunteer Application Form: https://forms.gle/xo7nr65vJP47aqqt7 

2) Sign up for a time slot (the Sign-Up Genius is at the end of the volunteer sign up form). This is your slot for the whole session. Please plan to attend your volunteer time slot for the entire 8 weeks - volunteer consistency is critical for our rider safety! 

3) If you are a NEW VOLUNTEER: Attend our in-person volunteer training at the farm* 

NEW VOLUNTEER Training for the Spring Session: 5-7 PM at Cedar Creek on Monday, March 10 (map

Volunteers should wear closed toe shoes that are comfortable for lots of walking. No steel toe shoes please! Dress for the weather, layers are helpful as it can fluctuate quickly in Missouri! All sessions are outside either under a roof or out on a trail in the woods.  Please NO PHONES out at any time while you are working with the riders.

*In-person training is critical for understanding how our program works, so we want you to make every effort to attend! If for some reason you have an emergency that prevents you from attending the training you can still volunteer. Just show up for your first shift and let us know you were unable to attend the training.

Volunteer Shifts

Cedar Creek has three sessions per year: Spring (March-May); Summer (June-Aug) and Fall (Sept-Nov). Volunteers commit to 2 hours per week for an 8-week session (6 week session in the summer). Volunteers must be 12 years of age, unless accompanied by an adult at all time. 

2025 New Volunteer Training Dates

Spring Volunteer training: Monday March 10 5-7 PM
Summer Volunteer training: Monday June 23 5-7 PM
Fall Volunteer Training: Monday September 15 5-7 PM

Volunteer training is at Cedar Creek (map). You do not need to attend training if you have previously volunteered. 

Volunteers are needed for the following shifts:
Wednesday 3-5 PM
Wednesday 5-7 PM
Thursday 2-4 PM
Thursday 4:30-6:30 PM
Saturday 9:30-11:30 AM 

Spring session

March 11 Monday - Spring Volunteer Training IN PERSON: 5-7 PM at Cedar Creek

Classes start Wednesday March 13
No classes Spring Break (March  27, March 28 & March 30)
Classes end May 11

Summer Session

June 24 Monday - Summer Volunteer Training IN PERSON: 5-7 PM at Cedar Creek

Classes start Wednesday June 26
Classes end August 3

Fall Session

September 9 Monday - Fall Volunteer Training IN PERSON: 5-7 PM at Cedar Creek

Classes start Wednesday Sept 11
Classes end Nov 2

Fall Special event (volunteers needed): The Annual Ride-a-thon - Sunday October 13

What Does it mean to be a Cedar Creek volunteer?

Each week, many individuals around the mid-Missouri area come to Cedar Creek to volunteer their time and energy at the riding center. Being part of the Equine Therapy Team is rewarding, fun and exciting!

Volunteers commit to 2-hrs per week for a eight-week session at Cedar Creek. All volunteers attend a training session that prepares them for the experience.

Volunteers may be used to lead the horses through the classes (if they have horse experience) or may help with the therapy by being "sidewalkers" and walking alongside the rider to assist with the lesson.

Volunteers must 12 years of age, unless accompanied by an adult at all times. No horse experience is necessary to be a volunteer.

Volunteers are also needed for preparing the horses for lessons, grooming, and special events such as parades, fairs, the annual ride-a-thon and special farm projects. 

Volunteering at Cedar Creek is a wonderful experience and one that you will never forget!

Please call (573) 814-9700 to sign up to be a part of our therapy team and make a difference in someone's life.

Large group events

Do you have a civic group, organization or club that would like to do a group project? Cedar Creek often has one day projects like painting fences, mulching trails and more! Contact Cedar Creek to see if there are any large group projects available.